Selected professional and academic credits include: No Child… (Sun)
Lydie Breeze: Bullfinch’s Mythology (Guare) Lydie Breeze: The Sacredness of the Next Task (Guare) The America Play (Parks)
See Under: Love (Fischer (from Grossman)) The Canterville Ghost (Wilde, adapted Vreeke) Power Plays (Arkin & May) After Dark or Pardon for a Price (Boucicault, adapted Maslow)* Wrong Side Out (Drennan)*
6 Characters in Search of an Author (Pirandello, adapted Maslow)* All in the Timing (Ives) On the Verge or the Geography of Yearning (Overmyer) Spring Awakening (Wedekind; adapted Maslow)* Moon for the Misbegotten (O’Neill) La Historia del Panteón (Medina)* At the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (Cooper)* Timon in America (Cooper)* Avatara (Cavanaugh)* The Scientific Dinner (Medina)* Lady with a Knife (Lanci) * The Regency Romance (Horton) * Bitter Friends (Rayfield) * An Interlude (Lanci) * The Marriage of Figaro (Mozart & da Ponte) The Resurrection Play (Lanci) * SCENIC DESIGN:
Selected professional and academic credits include: Disinfecting Edwin (Hartman, Lisa Ann Goldsmith dir.)*
Lydie Breeze: The Sacredness of the Next Task (Guare, DMM also dir.) The Scarlet Letter (Nagy, DMM also dir.) See Under: Love (Fischer, DMM also dir.) Guantanamo (Beaver, Marci Woodruff dir.) As Bees in Honey Drown (Bean, Melanie Armor, dir.) The Canterville Ghost (Wilde (Vreeke), DMM also dir.) Power Plays (May & Arkin, DMM also dir.) Aristocrats (Friel, Andrew S. Paul dir.)
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare, Dr. Gene A. Saraceni) Mere Mortals (Ives, Michael Moats dir.)
The Telephone (Minotti, DMM also dir.) The Seagull (Killroy (from Chekhov), Andrew S. Paul dir.)
6 Characters in Search of an Author (Pirandello/Maslow, DMM also dir.) The Real Inspector Hound (Stoppard, Joe Rice dir.) As You Like It (Shakespeare, Warren Robertson, dir.) A Moon for the Misbegotten (O’Neill, DMM also dir.) La Historia del Panteón (Medina, DMM also dir.)* An Interlude (Lanci, DMM also dir.)* The Resurrection Play (Lanci, DMM also dir.)* Orpheus (NY Ballet Experiment, Robert Streicher, chor.)* |
Repeatedly cited in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's COSTUME &/or PUPPET DESIGN:
Selected professional and academic credits include: J.B. (McLeish, Iva Jean Saraceni, dir.) All in the Timing (Ives, DMM also dir.) As You Like It (Shakespeare, W. Robertson, dir.; DMM also scenic & lighting) Talking With... (Jane Martin, Actor's Co-op, dir.) Elegy for a Lady (Miller, Lad Brown, dir.) Some Kind of Love Story (Miller, Lad Brown, dir.) The Wasteland (Eliot, et al, Zbigniew Cynkutis, dir.)* * Premiere production